Out in the cold atop the corporate ladder

Out in the cold atop the corporate ladder

The corporate ladder: it can be lonely at the top!

You have mapped out your career. You have set your goals and you are putting the wheels in motion to climb the corporate ladder. But what if the reality does not live up to your expectations?

For many career-minded people with ambitions of climbing the corporate ladder, making it to the top may seem like the ultimate goal. However, what if that position meant that you were lonelier, more stressed, more anxious and desperately unhappy. Would you aspire to be there?

A double-edged sword

There is nothing wrong with ambition or wanting an executive job. After all, executives often have more challenging and interesting roles, they may get more ‘perks’ and they certainly take home a larger pay packet.

However, a recent CEO Snapshot Survey by Harvard Business Review [1] suggests that 50 per cent of CEOs feel lonely and isolated, and believe it is hampering their performance. When it comes to first-time CEOs, nearly 70 percent of them reported feeling so lonely that it had a negative impact upon their capacity to fulfil their role.

Feeling lonely and isolated can easily lead to burn-out, depression, psychological exhaustion or a complete emotional breakdown.

Yet stressed executives are not speaking up. Anecdotal evidence suggests they feel enormous pressure to perform, they may feel overwhelmed at the responsibility they hold and perhaps even feel that people are ‘looking up to’ them and ‘watching what they do’. There is also the belief that feeling stressed is a sign of weakness or incompetence in doing the job.

Figures from SANE Australia suggest that almost half of Australians who took time off work due to depression did not disclose the reason to their employers. [2] The national study involving more than 1000 workers found that 48 percent of those who didn’t inform their employer of their reason for taking time off felt they would be putting their job at risk to do so.

Mental health in the workplace

According to research conducted in 2011[3] , Australian executives are twice as likely to experience symptoms of mood and personality disorders, as the general population. The study found that between 38 and 40 per cent of the executive population experience psychological distress compared with 20 per cent of the rest of the population.

The study also found that there had been significant increases in anger issues, anxiety, work-related stress and depression.

It found that personality disorders among executives were higher than the normal population. Disorders included narcissistic personality disorder, borderline personality disorder and in some cases antisocial disorder.

Being a stressed boss also filters throughout the workplace. Workers become less engaged, more miserable and more likely to be the target of bullying behaviour, leading to more sick days taken by employees who are not happy in their jobs.

Researchers of the study believe factors contributing to high levels of stress in executives include highly competitive work environments, increasing pressures to perform and the effects of the global financial crisis.

In addition, executives are less likely to engage in regular exercise, proper nutrition, work-life balance and psychological coping skills — all of which help protect from depression. Their busy schedules also lead them to believe they simply ‘don’t have time’ to look after themselves.

For female executives the problem is exacerbated further by issues of inequality and feeling that their male colleagues ‘simply won’t listen to them’. [4]

What can be done?

It is widely accepted that stress in the workplace is a problem and many workplaces are taking the issue seriously. However, it can be difficult to know just how to tackle the problem, particularly when mental health has a stigma attached to it.

One initiative tackling the problem of mental health in the workplace is Heads Up[5]. An initiative launched by Beyond Blue in conjunction with the Mentally Healthy Workplace Alliance, it is designed to give individuals and businesses tools, strategies and the latest information to promote a mentally healthy workplace for executives, leaders, managers and employees.

This program is free to join and provides step-by-step instructions on how to create a plan for a mentally healthy workplace, along with tips on how to talk about the issue, how to seek help, and how to support people in the workplace who may be suffering.

According to Heads Up over 6 million working days are lost each year in Australia due to depression. Left untreated, it can have devastating effects for individuals and businesses. In fact, depression is costing Australian workplaces $10.9 billion annually in absenteeism, lost productivity and compensation claims.

However, research by Price Waterhouse Coopers[6] has shown that for every dollar spent on effective interventions to create a mentally healthy workplace, businesses will reap a $2.30 return of investment.

According to the research, interventions should involve:

  • Raising awareness and reducing stigma
  • Supporting staff with mental health conditions
  • Creating a positive working environment.

While executives are often slow to speak up about personal mental health issues , Heads Up believes business leaders can play a key role in creating and maintaining mentally healthy workplaces.

Key actions they can take include being committed to mental health in the workplace; making it an objective of the business or workplace; integrating good health and safety management into all business decisions, policies and procedures; as well as speaking openly about mental health in the workplace.

Supporting and instigating programs designed to shed light on the issue of mental health will not only validate workplace policies and practices to be more mentally healthy, but will help everyone dealing with the effects of depression.

Hopefully, it will also empower executives to take a stand for themselves.

Are you lonely on the corporate ladder? Even You

If you or a friend or family member are suffering from depression please call Beyond Blue on 1300 22 4636 or Lifeline on 13 11 14.


[1] BRW, It’s lonely at the top, published 18 April, 2012; accessed 4 June 2015, http://www.brw.com.au/p/sections/features/it_lonely_at_the_top_r6pGqMHiG6tPGiGN42ucDP

[2] SANE, Depression in Australian workplaces more ‘hidden’ than in Europe: new research, 2013; accessed 4 June 2015 https://www.sane.org/news-comment-2013/1222-depression-in-australian-workplaces-more-hidden-than-in-europe-new-research

[3] Davidson Trahaire Corpsych, MEDIA: Key staff driven to disorder at work, published 19 March 2011; accessed 6 June 2015, http://www.davcorp.com.au/media/9475/The%20Australian%20-%20Key%20staff%20driven%20to%20disorder%20at%20work.pdf

[4] Forbes, For Executive Women, It Can Be Lonely at the Top, published 1 May 2009; accessed 5 June 2015 http://www.forbes.com/2009/05/01/executives-c-suite-leadership-forbes-woman-power-careers.html

[5] Heads Up, http://www.headsup.org.au/

[6] Heads Up, Creating a mentally healthy workplace: Return on investment analysis, date of publication unknown; accessed 9 June 2015 http://www.headsup.org.au/docs/default-source/resources/bl1269-brochure---pwc-roi-analysis.pdf?sfvrsn=6




Make exercise a career move

Make exercise a career move

We all know that exercise is an integral part of being healthy, right?
However, what you may not realise, is that exercise is good for the mind as well.

How exercise affects the brain

Numerous studies have proven the benefits of physical exercise on brain function. For example:

• exercising for just 20 minutes, facilitates information processing and memory functions
• cardiovascular exercise can create new brain cells (known as neurogenesis) and improve overall brain performance.
• exercising regularly into old age may better protect against brain shrinkage (and more ‘senior moments’), than mental or social activities
• exercise increases levels of brain-derived proteins (known as BDNF) which are believed to help with decision making, higher thinking and learning. (Physiology Behaviour)
• regular exercise increases memory and the ability to learn new things
• people who exercise on a regular basis are more productive than those who do not engage in regular activity
• creativity levels are boosted for up to two hours, following an aerobic workout. while walking can boost creativity by up to 60 per cent
• regular aerobic exercise changes the brain to improve memory and thinking skills (British 2)

Why is exercise so beneficial?

According to Harvard University, exercise is beneficial because it helps reduce insulin resistance and inflammation. It also stimulates the release of growth factors, which protect the health of existing brain cells and assist in the growth of new blood vessels and cells in the brain.

Harvard says that exercise’s ability to improve mood, sleep, stress and anxiety, also has a direct impact upon cognitive function, as problems in these areas have a negative effect on brain function.

Brain HQ adds that different exercises may have different impacts upon the brain. For example, ballroom dancing has a higher impact upon cognitive functioning that some other exercises, because it combines physical and mental demands.

What does it all mean?

Exercise seems to benefit both the body and the mind.

Breaking up your day with some exercise can make it easier for you to concentrate on tasks and be more productive throughout your day. It can also help you problem solve and relieve stress and tension. Being active each day will also mean you are less likely to suffer from a mid-afternoon slump, which often leads to unhealthy food choices.

Tips to exercise while at work

Many people cite lack of time as an excuse not to exercise. However, there are always ways to include activity in your working day. For example:

• commit to a regular exercise class (either before or after work, or even at lunchtime)
• go for a walk at lunchtime — you may even wish to start up a walking group
• use the stairs where possible
• if you commute, get off a stop early and walk the remaining distance (where practical)
• cycle or walk to work
• take regular breaks from your workstation, even if it is just to use the bathroom
• incorporate more movement into your day (e.g. physically get up to talk to a colleague instead of emailing them)
• stretch regularly
• walk about the office while you are on the phone
• walk to the coffee shop for your morning coffee
• offer to run errands.

How can employers encourage exercise in the workplace?

If you are an employer, remember those who exercise regularly are more productive, energetic, creative, think better and learn quicker. They are less likely to be stressed or anxious and are likely to take fewer sick days.

So in the interests of work output, and a happier and healthier workplace, why not:

• encourage workers to get up from their desks and move around
• ensure workers take a lunchbreak and go for a stroll
• set up ‘walking meetings’ rather than ‘coffee meetings’
• offer financial incentives (e.g. salary packaging) for exercise classes or gym memberships
• sign up company teams to various events such as fun-runs, charity walks or triathlons
• organise a company discount for local facilities such as golf-courses, tennis clubs or gyms
• take advantage or outdoor activities for team-building days
• incorporate physical activities as part of corporate conferences
• allow greater flexibility in the workplace for employees wishing to exercise before or after work
• install ‘active desks’ for staff.

While it may take more effort and creativity to increase your exercise levels, the benefits are well worth it. As well as improving your capacity for creativity and sharp thinking, you are also likely to improve your job performance and your career prospects.

Exercise - it's good for your career
Exercise - it's good for your career







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Brain HQ, Physical Exercise for Brain Health, http://www.brainhq.com/brain-resources/everyday-brain-fitness/physical-exercise

New York Times, Want to be More Creative? Take a Walk.; published 30 April 2014, http://well.blogs.nytimes.com/2014/04/30/want-to-be-more-creative-take-a-walk/?_r=0

Harvard Medical School, Regular exercise changes the brain to improve memory, thinking skills; published 9 April, 2014, http://www.health.harvard.edu/blog/regular-exercise-changes-brain-improve-memory-thinking-skills-201404097110