What’s your perfect body?

What’s your perfect body?

It's a trick question, really. Your perfect body is the one you were given. Accept it, treat it with kindness and appreciate that you were given your body for a reason. You're unique. It's the one thing nobody can be/do/have but you.

Now....click this link, watch the video and next time you look in the mirror, really look at YOU. Imperfections are what make you perfectly you.

This woman had 'the perfect body'. But this photo of Taryn Brumfitt caused a worldwide uproar. It is really terrifying how often women descend into self hate because they don’t conform to the societal idea of a “perfect body.”

Watch now: http://www.hefty.co/love-your-body/


Taryn Brumfitt | body image | 5 Minute Fitness