Australians gain weight every winter!

Australians gain weight every winter!

Stay lean and happy this winter

Picture this: The skies are grey and the weather is cold. You are kicking back on the couch, the heater is on and you may even be snuggled under a blanket. You’re watching your favourite movie or perhaps reading a good book. Beverage of choice is a hot chocolate or even a glass or two of wine. And let’s not forget those sneaky snacks.

Sound good?

Well, let us fast-forward a little. The sun is shining, birds are singing and the weather has warmed up. You feel on top of the world after feeling sad and depressed during the grey months. You just love this time of year. Everything is new and fresh. You decide to wear your favourite jeans — the ones that you feel fantastic in. The only trouble is….they don’t quite fit anymore. And all of a sudden, your mood plummets.

Sound familiar?

Australians gain weight every winter

If it does, you are not alone. A 2012 study [1] from the NSW Food Authority and NSW Health found that almost half of Australian adults gain two kilos over winter, with the average weight gain anywhere from two to five kilograms.

The study, one of the first to investigate winter eating habits in relation to fast food and snack consumption also found:

  • 90 per cent of Australians eat more fast and snack foods and takeaways during winter because doing so makes them feel ‘warmer and happier’
  • 36 per cent of Australians are concerned about gaining weight over winter
  • 59 per cent believe any weight gain over winter will be due to eating more fast food and snacks and exercising less.

Well, at least they understand why they are likely to gain weight.

Should we be concerned over gaining between two and five kilos over winter? After all, it will be easy to shift when the warmer weather hits, won’t it?

Perhaps not. Swedish researchers found that just one month of overeating can lead to weight gain that lasts for years. [2] It seems that overeating and a lack of exercise may affect body fat levels and make it harder to lose weight.

Luckily, we can prevent winter weight gain by changing two key things: what we eat and how much we move.

Eat to be lean

Contrary to popular belief, winter food can be comforting without being stodgy and heavy. Try these tips to lighten up your plate:

  • Choose warming oats with skim milk and fruit over sugar-laden cereals.
  • Avoid adding salt to food.
  • Avoid adding extra fats to foods (i.e. butter to mashed potato).
  • Bake, steam or grill instead of frying in oil.
  • Roast meat or take advantage of a slow cooker.
  • Choose whole grains over processed white varieties of rice, pasta, bread, etc.
  • Snack on fruit, low-fat yoghurt, nuts and seeds instead of biscuits, cakes, muffins etc.
  • Choose veggie sticks or pretzels instead of chips and popcorn.
  • Limit calorie-laden beverages such as wine, hot chocolate, soft drink and fruit juice.
  • Limit takeaway foods to once a fortnight.

And of course, you should eat a wide variety of foods to ensure your vitamin intake is adequate.

Move to be happy

The other side to the equation is to continue moving throughout winter. You may need to change the type and location of your exercise (it can be a little uncomfortable running in the cold rain), but this gives you an opportunity to try new things and use new muscle groups.

While exercising outside may not be so appealing, research shows that regular exposure to cold weather may be a healthy and sustainable way to help lose weight. [3] .

Exercising outside also leads to greater emotional well-being and better sleep than exercising indoors, as found in a 2014 study from Finland [4] . Furthermore, increasing your exposure to sunlight may reduce your risk of developing Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) — a type of depression linked to change of seasons. Other research has also found outdoor exercise can decrease tension, frustration and depression. [5]

What type of exercise?

While the benefits of outdoor exercise are many, it may not always be possible or practical to exercise outside, so we have come up with some great ideas for outside and inside exercise. Some ideas include:

  • Outside
    Walking, personal training, group classes, jogging, running, hiking, skiing, tobogganing, ice-skating, cycling, footy, netball, tennis, golf
  • Inside
    Swimming, yoga/Pilates, weight training, gym sessions, group classes, personal training, ten-pin bowling, treadmill, Wii fit, exercise DVDs, boxing class, rock climbing

Remember, any kind of exercise, whether it be done indoors or outdoors will reap benefits.

While it is important to enjoy a bit of couch-time every now and then, don’t set up camp on it during winter.

Get outside and keep moving!

Australians gain weight every winter | 5 Minute Fitness





[1] NSW Food Authority: Media Release, Australians expected to gain 15 million kgs this winter,

[2] Ernersson A et al. (2010) Long-term increase in fat mass after a four week intervention with fast food based hyper-alimentation and limitation of physical activity. Nutrition & Metabolism, 7:68.

[3] van Marken Lichtenbelt et al. Cold exposure -- an approach to increasing energy expenditure in humans.Trends in Endocrinology & Metabolism, January 2014

[4] T P Pasanen, L Tyrväinen K M Korpela, The Relationship between Perceived Health and Physical Activity Indoors, Outdoors in Built Environments, and Outdoors in Nature, Applied Psychology: Health and Wellbeing, 2014, Volume 6, Issue 3, pp324-346,

[5] J Thompson Coon, K Boddy, K Stein, R Whear, J Barton, M H. Depledge. Does Participating in Physical Activity in Outdoor Natural Environments Have a Greater Effect on Physical and Mental Wellbeing than Physical Activity Indoors? A Systematic Review. Environmental Science & Technology, 1 March, 2011, Volume 45, Issue 5 pp1761-1762,




Why being more fit means better sex

5 Minute Fitness | why being more fit means better sex
Two things about why being more fit means better sex. The first is that I was more surprised by some of the things I read while researching than I expected - mostly in an "I had never considered that" way.  In an effort to keep this site G-rated, I won't be discussing everything I found.

The second is that, even though I have someone who I'm sure would have been a more than willing test subject had I asked, the idea of setting him up with a timer, heart rate monitor and pulse watch really would have killed any kind of mood there I turned to the only other man I knew would have the answers - Dr Google.

I shouldn't even really say he has the answers, because he's a notoriously contradictory fellow and changes his mind on all manner of things as often as the wind changes direction. He provided some answers. There will be a part two to this topic, and possibly a part three. I suppose you could consider this blog post as mild foreplay. 😉

Honestly, I don't know about you, but positions with such names as Dirty Dancing, Happy Anniversary, The Melody Maker, and The Galloping Horse (wtf?) with hand drawn images didn't really do much to get my heart rate up. Not as much as when I laughed at this:

5 Minute Fitness | better than sex

Because don't those pink mens' slippers just scream sex appeal! A nice touch, though, with the crooked painting on the wall. LOL Aaanyway....

It goes without saying that the number of calories burned during sex will be determined by, as one site put it, "participation level". Weight and activity also play a role. Other factors include whether it's 'moderate' or 'vigorous'. My humble opinion is that all these things are fairly subjective, and this probably explains the range of data I found. 

Here are a few examples from various websites:

  • A 150 lb person will burn 13 calories for 15 minutes of moderate sex. Bump it up to 30 minutes of vigorous sex and you'll burn 54 calories.
  • Sexual intercourse burns off 150 calories every half hour.
  • A 180 lb. man will burn 119 calories in an hour of foreplay, or just under 2 calories a minute, while he will burn 346 calories during an hour of intercourse, or just under 6 calories a minute.
  • Most people burn about 100 to 200 calories each time they have sex.
  • If you spend 20 minutes having intercourse, the average male can burn 75-100 calories.

Some quick maths in the head and we have a range of anywhere from 350 to over 1200 calories burned each week for about half an hour of sex every day. Now I know more of you would like that than are actually doing that, so let's give you some good reasons to do it more - as if you needed more than the obvious!

1. Well, duh, it's fun! Ok, so it should be. If it's not, you might want to consider the why and how, but that's a whole other subject!

2. Sex increases blood flow and oxygenates the skin. You'll have better, younger looking skin and shiny hair!

3. Having sex increases oxytocin, which decreases anxiety, relieves stress and has a calming effect on men. Hello, girls!

4. A natural release of endorphins reduces pain, as they're chemically similar to morphine. No more "I have a headache" excuses - sex can relieve headaches and other types of pain.

5. The oxytocin release at climax helps you sleep better.

But is sex really the calorie-burning engine it’s often made out to be?

That’s what scientists have been trying to figure out for years. Researchers have attempted to measure the number of calories burned during sex on numerous occasions, but the results have varied greatly, says Carole Lieberman, MD, a Beverly Hills psychiatrist and author of Bad Girls: Why Men Love Them & How Good Girls Can Learn Their Secrets.

Still, there's no question that sex can be good for your health. Fooling around gets your heart rate going — and there’s no better way to burn serious calories than when your heart is pumping.

So what role does fitness play in sex? It's not just about calories burned, because, let's face it, the data on that is so all over the shop I doubt there is really such thing as an 'average'. We know sex, purely based on the fact that it's a physical activity, burns calories. The question is how can you have better sex and why would you want to?

Let's get the seemingly superficial stuff out of the way first; the better looking you are - the more attractive to your partner of preference - the more likely you are to have sex, and more often. Men and women are visually stimulated and the more visual appeal you have, the chance of finding a partner is increased. This is not an 'ugly people can't get/don't have sex' thing  - it's primal and goes back to caveman days and species survival. You want to go deeper into that topic, let me know, and we'll go there some other day.

Good sex involves flexibility, stamina, endurance, energy and a decent aerobic capacity. (Struggling to breathe or running out of steam at a critical moment are not the foundation on which romance novels are formed!) In addition, the confidence which comes from looking and feeling better, because you're fitter, healthier and more active, leads to increased sexual performance. Improved circulation and blood flow also contribute.

Exercising, participating in a range of different exercises, sports or activities, can aid in sexual performance. Lift weights to build muscle strength, interval training, stretching, balance work, core exercises, and cardio work - it all benefits in one way or another.

Obesity and erectile dysfunction go hand in hand. In older aged men, those who are more physically fit have a 30% lower risk of impotence and achieve better erections. Men who take a higher interest in their physical wellbeing and overall fitness will have better sex and reduced chance of having conditions that negatively affect their sex life and overall health.

Women who exercise frequently are more easily aroused and achieve faster, more intense orgasms. Seems to me this is a win for both the sexes!

People who exercise more have more sex. Whether or not this is common sense is for you to decide, but it stands to reason that the more fit you are, the more confident you are, the more active you are, the more healthy you are, you're going to look and feel younger and be attracted to people with those same traits; people who (as an assumption) are more physical, including in a sexual way.

And how about this:

According to a study released in the Journal of the American Medical Association, infrequent sex can lead to an increased risk of heart attack a few hours after rigorous physical activity like having sex if you do not engage in vigorous activity regularly. Also, the study found that each additional time a person exercised in a week reduced the risk for a heart attack by 45 percent and for sudden cardiac death by 30 percent. The great thing about this study is that sex counts as exercise! Not only will you create a loving bond with your partner if you work on improving your sex life, you’re also helping out your heart health as well.

If you're really struggling to find motivation to get to the gym, or go for a run, consider it to be the difference between mediocre and mind-blowing sex. And if that's not enough to inspire you to improve your health and fitness, I put it to you that you've probably never had mind-blowing sex! 😉

This little piece of sage advice really amused me and I think it's a good note on which to end.

"You should not rely on sex as your only form of exercise."