At the end of your rope? Do a pull-up

5 Minute Fitness | Hang onEver get to the end of your rope and wonder what the heck's going to happen next, and what you're going to do with it, because there isn't one more frayed strand of rope for you to grab?

I've been in that place the last few weeks. Sometimes, in our lives, we experience test over test over test; you don't get a chance to deal with the first one effectively before you get smacked in the face by the next. Overwhelm is a static place and certainly not a comfortable one, either!

It's very easy to lose sight of your goals and wonder if 'it' is really worth it, whatever 'it' is. My 'it' has been a multitude of things these past few weeks.

The problem is that we start to gaslight ourselves; we start telling ourselves that we are the problem, not the circumstance or circumstances. It can be hard to separate the two, and humans have a tendency to blend them and either take it out on themselves, or others, rather than taking stock and working on overcoming the circumstance.

If you don't like your circumstance, do one of two things; change your circumstance, or change your behaviour and attitude towards it.

This, too, applies to your health and fitness. What are you telling yourself about yourself that's stopping you reach your goals? What is it about your circumstances that you can change, or change your attitude towards, to make them easier to to deal with. It's easy to say, "Well, this is how it is and it's far too hard for me to do anything about it, so I'll sit here in misery". The other side of misery is pleasure, so go there! As the saying goes, "it doesn't matter how far down the path you've travelled, you can still turn around".

Get yourself out of that crap place in which you've found comfort. Stop fooling yourself that such 'comfort' makes you feel good. It's pain! You don't want to look that way. You don't want to live that way. You don't want to tell yourself that life is out of control. Focus. Regroup. Ask for support and acknowledge that change can be made. But it's up to you.

Just get out there and do it. You're worth it.

Right in the middle of me dealing with my 'stuff' this week, I received an email to apply for a job in a place a long way away. I always consider these things, because, hey, I have an online business, so 'location' is not crucial. Later on that same day, I made an unexpected connection with a person who has been such a welcome relief and distraction, that the stuff and circumstance feel lighter. It doesn't mean they've gone away, but it does mean I have a renewed way of looking at things and I just pulled myself a notch or two away from the end of the rope.

You can do this, too. Your health is up to you and it's within you to find solutions, or be patient enough (and aware enough) to notice them when they appear. Hold on. Even when you're going backwards, it doesn't necesarily mean it's a bad thing. Consider it regrouping, and use that bit of energy to hold on. You never know, the lift you need might be right around the corner.

If your fitness is suffering because you're stuck in 'overwhelm' feel free to contact me. Together, we can move you away from the end of your rope and towards feeling better.

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